Integrated Hotel App

All-in-one Hotel App

Pandemic has changed hospitality forever. With staff shortages and increased guest expectations, the solutions of the past do not work. The Front of the House and the Back of the House can no longer be on separate communication systems and still be efficient.

HelloShift provides a unified communication system for your entire hotel, powered by an AI-assistant that handles guest communications efficiently. This AI can manage multiple interactions 24/7, providing accurate and personalized responses, and it helps your hotel improve its operations by learning from guest interactions. With HelloShift, your hotel can meet the challenges of today's hospitality industry and deliver exceptional guest service.

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Top-ratings by hoteliers across the USA and around the world.

We're here to make HelloShift work for you - whatever that takes!

“ I have never used a product I feel so positive about. In the hotel business, communication is the key to success. Instead of combing through logbooks I see all communication on one screen, from my phone or computer. My staff is more accountable; I don't have to be on site because I track everything and communicate with them in real-time. ”

Dimitar Stanev, VP Operations, Engage Hospitality

HelloShift is cloud-based and works across web, iOS, & Android apps.

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